Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Empty arms

Erin has been very, very fussy for the past few days. I haven't yet figured out whether she is teething, coming down with a cold, or just sensing the hectic nature of the season, but for whatever reason, she is insisting on being held, carried and cuddled for most of the day. As a result, I have discovered that it is quite possible to accomplish many tasks, while also lugging a 21.5 pound toddler around on your hip.

For example, you can actually vacuum an entire house in this manner. In case you're wondering, the trick is to entice your 4-year-old (via small bribes) to push the vacuum around behind you while you try to aim the hose at the crumbs that cover the kitchen floor.

Even more amazing, it is also possible to walk the entire way home from preschool (1.1 miles) while carrying the toddler and also pushing the double stroller. Again, here are some small tips. First, you must encourage the 3 year old to get out of the stroller, because it is pretty much impossible to push her weight with one hand. Then, the older two girls must help you to steer the stroller while you push. Otherwise it will constantly veer off to the side of the road. Admittedly, your arms will be shaking when you finally arrive home, but it is actually a time-saving activity, as there will be no need to visit the gym in the evening.

Doing dishes is a bit more tricky. If they just require quick rinsing before being put into the dishwasher then you may be able to complete this task, but for pots and pans that require full scrubbing, you must simply wash them as quickly as possible, while trying to ignore the sobbing baby that is clinging to your legs.

Then, when the baby finally goes off to bed at night, you can take a couple of advil to help with your aching muscles, and then collapse into bed. But then, instead of rejoicing at your new-found freedom, you will realize that your arms feel empty. Much too empty.


At 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I carry S so much more than I ever did E!! We were at an indoor play/climbing place and there was even a toddler area and I kept realizing that I was HOLDING HER!!! I kept having to say out loud, "I need to put her down!" The real true test of motherhood, though,is to hold your 20 lb toddler through an entire 4 year old bday party at Chuckee Cheese, w/all those lights and noises screaming at you, w/little ones running and tripping over your feet, all the while feeding each machine w/tokens for said 4 year old...:) It is a good thing we buy our Advil at Costco!

At 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can cancel your membership at the Y.


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