Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Can you keep a secret?

Today Amy, Erin and I ran some last-minute errands, in preparation for Beth's birthday tomorrow. Beth recently started taking Irish Step Dancing lessons, and she has been desperately wanting some dance shoes to wear to class. So, while Beth was in school, I took the little ones to the store to purchase the shoes. Throughout the ride there, I told Amy over and over that this was a SURPRISE present for Beth. I reminded her that we DON'T tell people about their presents before they open them. I convinced her that it would be fun to keep this secret together. By the time we arrived at the store, I felt fairly confident that Amy was on-board with this secret purchase.

As we drove back to Beth's school after finding the perfect shoes, I reminded Amy once again of the surprise nature of the gift. She again smiled and nodded along with me.

As we walked down the hill to get Beth, Amy piped up, "I can't wait to see Beth. I know just what I'll say to her. I'll say, "Beth, we did NOT get you a pair of dancing shoes today. You will NOT open any dancing shoes tomorrow on your birthday, because we did NOT go to the shoe store at all today and buy you some shoes. And we did NOT get any pretty wrapping paper to go with the shoes, either."

Clearly, this gift will not be a secret for long. Thank goodness we waited until the last minute to buy this gift. Only 24 more hours for Amy to get through. Any bets on whether she can make it?


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