Thursday, October 12, 2006

And The Winner Is....

In honor of the upcoming Gymnastics World Championships, I've decided to award a few medals of my own around here. (What do you MEAN you didn't even know that Championships started in a few days?! Quick! Check for updates!)

Category 1: Best Temper Tantrum

BRONZE: Beth. Thankfully, at almost 5 years old the crying fits are few and far between. However, if this were a lifetime achievement award, she would win hands-down. The memories are still crystal clear.

SILVER: Erin. Believe it or not, it has begun. The screams that accompany all of our meals are not to be believed. Dan and I have resorted to rumaging through cabinets every two minutes in an attempt to find the magic food. Peas? Crackers? Toast? Fruit? Please, just stop the tantrum!

GOLD: Amy. Whoever coined the term "terrible two's" must not have witnessed the drama of a three-year-old that is now able to "do it myself!" Luckily this stage is usually short-lived. I have a feeling that her younger sister may be the winner of this award next year.

Category 2: Best cuddler

BRONZE: Beth. This has never been Beth's strong suit. On a good day I can usually manage a quick hug or kiss as the tornado passes by.

SILVER: Erin. Now that she is on the move she rarely has time for hugs and kisses. But when she is drinking a warm bottle of milk she still likes to snuggle in close, and hopefully this will continue for a while more.

GOLD: Amy. Once again Amy comes out on top. There are times when the "I want to hold you" comes in the middle of meal-preparation or "getting ready for school" time, but I still try to stop and cuddle her when she requests it, since I don't know how much longer she will be asking for these hugs.

Category 3: Most improved at a new skill

BRONZE: Amy. Amy is learning to write her name, which is quite an accomplishment. However, she will not score full points for this until she is able to put the letters in the correct order. "MYA" doesn't look quite right, especially when the "A" looks suspiciously like a "T". With more practice I think she could go for the Gold next year.

SILVER: Beth. Beth is learning to read and is doing quite well, but refuses to try anything other than "Dick And Jane". If she can master the "Cat In The Hat" then I think she'll be a strong contender for this award next year.

GOLD: Erin. Over the last few days she has advanced from "step-step-fall" to real, true walking. Good thing we bought those new shoes.

Keep working, girls! You're all perfect tens!!


At 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This just shows we're all winners i our own way, but Beth, Amy, and Erin are winners on my scorecard in every way that counts.


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