Saturday, October 14, 2006

TWELVE for tea!

Certain people can always be counted upon to bring a camera to family events, and they're usually fairly talented at taking great photographs. We have come to rely upon them to capture our memories, because unfortunately photography is not a hobby of mine or Dan's. We always start out with great intentions. We make sure the camera has batteries, and we almost always remember to take a picture of the cake before the guests arrive. We usually manage to grap a snapshot of the child of honor. But after that the camera sits, forgotten and lonely, on the counter or on the top of the refrigerator. Sometimes, as we are lighting the candles, someone will whisper, "Maybe you want to get a picture of her blowing them out?", and then we'll run to find the camera. For the most part, however, our photo albums are filled with the work of Aunt Audrey and Grandma. Thankfully, Audrey was at the tea party today, and she took some wonderful pictures. When she sends me the photos from the event, I will post some for you all to see! For now, you can enjoy seeing Amy all dressed up and awaiting the arrival of her guests. And, of course, the teapot cake has been captured for your enjoyment as well.

Good thing we ran out last night and bought those new batteries...


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