Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence Day

We celebrated such a relaxing holiday yesterday. We spent the morning simply sitting outside with the girls and chatting with neighbors, while Beth, Amy and Erin rode bikes with their friends. After Erin took a short nap, we headed to Nana and Grampy's for a cookout, and enjoyed spending time with cousins Liam, Ciaran and Meg. Liam is now old enough to play along with Beth and Amy, so they had a wonderful time running around with him.

Then we headed down the street to meet Ella and Charlie for the parade. Cousin Jack opted to remain quietly at home, rather than expose his ears to the loud cannons that he disliked so much last year! Despite some light drizzle, the kids thoroughly enjoyed watching the many (very loud) fire trucks screech through town, followed by the politicians and various marching bands. We did have some minor difficulties with balloons accidentally soaring skyward when tiny hands lost control of them. Many of the Mommies, Daddies, Aunts and Uncles made frequent trips back to the balloon truck for more free balloons from the various politicians, until finally we tied the balloons onto little wrists.

We headed home with three wet and tired girls, and all three were happy to have a warm bath and collapse into bed. Dan and I enjoyed watching the fireworks on television, and we videotaped them for Beth and Amy to watch tonight. We're looking forward to a fun evening of popcorn and fireworks with the girls.

I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July, too. We're very thankful to live in this wonderful country, and are so grateful to the troops who are fighting to keep our country safe. God Bless America!


At 10:30 PM , Blogger betolisa said...

HAPPY 4TH TO YOU TOO! We enjoyed a real Independence Day in the good ol' USA--We are finally settled "state-side" and were thrilled to cook up hamburgers and hotdogs in our new back yard.


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