After a very busy few days, all the kids are settling into their Fall routines. Beth headed off to Second Grade last week. She confessed to feeling a few butterflies, but was so excited to hop on the bus and see all her good friends. She had a wonderful first day, and is blessed with a truly exceptional teacher.
Amy, on the other hand, has been dreading her entrance into kindergarten. As each summer week passed, and the big date loomed closer, she became more worried. She cried whenever we tried to talk about school, and she begged us to let her stay home. On Tuesday morning, she awoke in tears. She dressed in her uniform, ate a little breakfast, half-smiled for a few pictures, and then sat on the couch and cried. She refused to take the bus on the first day, so Dan drove her into school. She sobbed her way into the classroom, where the teacher pried her away from Dan. Thankfully, an eighth grader was dispatched down the hall to the second grade classroom, so that Beth could come sit with her sister for a bit. Dan headed out to the car, and called to tell me that "it didn't go well".
But much to my surprise, when the bus pulled up at the curb that afternoon, Amy's smiling face peered out the window. Her little hand was waving frantically. She hopped off the bus and announced that she "loves kindergarten!" She was full of stories about her new friends, her nice teacher, her art class, music class, and all the other exciting parts of her day. This morning she felt a bit nervous again, but she climbed onto the bus with Beth and once again returned with a big smile.
Erin had a great afternoon at preschool yesterday. She has a great teacher, and has already made a new friend. All in all, it was an emotional but successful beginning to the school year.
Next week, all the activities start back up. It's going to be challenging trying to get Beth to gymnastics practice three days each week, Amy and Erin to dance classes, Brian to swimming lessons, Beth to choir, and me to work! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. And on that note, I think I'll head to bed right now...