Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas gifts

The girls and I finished shopping for Daddy's gifts last week, but today, while doing some last-minute errands at a local drugstore, Beth saw some holiday ties mixed in with the wrapping paper, tape and ribbons. She grabbed one, and begged me to let her buy it for Daddy. I gently put the tie back in the pile and explained to her that we were all done buying presents for Daddy. She pleaded again and again, and then finally she said, "But Mommy. Just think how HANDSOME Daddy will look in this tie. Please, can we get it? Please?

I relented. We purchased the bright red tie with dancing reindeer, and I supressed my smiles as I tried to picture Dan dressed up in this particular tie. Beth was so pleased with herself, and so proud. She chatted the whole way home, telling me all about how she would wrap the gift all by herself, and then tie a beautiful ribbon around the present. She told us that she couldn't wait for Christmas to arrive.

Fast forward to dinnertime, when Amy happily announced to Dan that, "Beth got you the coolest tie today!!" I quickly tried to quiet her down, and she immediately realized what she had done. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she ran into the playroom to hide. I followed her and picked her up to cuddle her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to tell him. It's just such a great tie", she explained. I assured her that it would be fine, and that Daddy would forget all about it by Christmas. She seemed relieved to think that no harm had been done by her outburst and soon returned to the table.

This is what makes Christmas such a special time. Even little preschool girls, who are so excited about Santa's arrival, and the promise of presents for them under the tree, are able to step outside of themselves and focus on someone else's happiness.

There certainly is too much materialism focused around the Christmas holiday, but it's also a wonderful time to think about the people that surround us. What might make them happy? What might make them smile?

I know what will make Dan feel very happy and much-loved this year. It's a red drugstore tie covered with dancing reindeer. He will look very handsome, indeed.


At 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sweet Beth is and always unselfish. She is so special.
Dan will look special to Beth and Amy and Erin as well as you and I, because we love him with or without his red tie with the dancing reindeer.
Merry Christmas!
Love to all,
Aunt Ann

At 6:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, he will look handsome and proud. I hope you get a picture.


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