Thursday, April 26, 2007

Big sisters already hard at work

Now that we seem to finally be nearing the end of this long-lasting stomach bug, I am able to sit down at the computer and write. Of course, I'm still feeling quite queasy, but that's another story altogether...!

For the past two weeks, I've been feeling quite nauseous and very fatigued. So, when Erin goes down for her nap after lunch, I plop Beth and Amy in front of a movie, and then I curl up on the couch in the family room for a little rest. I spend all morning looking forward to this time of the day. Then, when the movie ends, I hear two little girls creeping into the family room, ever so quietly. They gently climb onto the couch with me, and snuggle under the blanket. Today, Amy said, "Mommy, I'll rub your head so that you feel better". Beth ran to get me some crackers, saying "these will help your tummy, mommy!" And so we cuddled up together for a while, as Beth told us story after story (mostly adaptations of the "Three little pigs").

Today, I realized for the first time that these two girls are not just little babies anymore. They are genuinely caring and loving individuals, and I am so very proud of them. Their love for this new baby is already so real, and I know that the baby is so very, very lucky to have these big sisters waiting for him or her.

Pass the saltines, please.


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