Saturday, July 21, 2007


Erin's verbal skills are improving daily. The changes are so drastic that each time she opens her mouth, we're shocked by her sudden ability to converse so well. Just a few short weeks ago she spoke only in single words, but she now combines multiple words to make short sentences. I couldn't believe my ears the other day when she piped up with "Daddy go work - white car". My mouth dropped open as I praised her, and affirmed that yes, Daddy went to work in his white car! This week we witnessed the arrival of pronouns in her vocabulary. Instead of her cries of "Baby"! whenever she sees something she wants, she now uses "mine" or "me!" When I entered her room to get her up from her nap this afternoon, she proceeded to point at all the objects in sight, claiming "My books, my bed, my clothes, my dolls", and ending with a proud "My Mommy!"

We've been through this amazing development twice before, with Beth and Amy, but it still fills me with wonder. Each accomplishment is so special, and it is incredible to me that this little girl was only a helpless bundle, less than two years ago. She's now one of the crowd, expressing her opinions, taking care of her needs, and playing alongside her sisters. She's growing up so quickly, and I miss the baby that she once was...the baby that she'll never be again.

But luckily she still needs long cuddles before bedtime. And so, tonight we once again rocked in the chair in her room, while she sucked her fingers and put her head on my shoulder. I think I can still squeeze a few more months of "babyhood" out of my little girl.


At 9:31 PM , Blogger betolisa said...

It's she's been storing up the words for two years and then the door is unlocked!


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