The Graduate
It's official. There's a First Grader in the family.
Beth's graduation was quite an event, filled with songs, prayers, laughter and a few tears. (The tears were from one of Beth's good friends, who missed her cue and didn't get to say the "line" she had rehearsed for weeks, because the music teacher started the next song before she made it up to the microphone. She bravely fought back those tears and choked out her line after the song ended, however. Now, that's bravery for you).
It was very, very warm in the church, but Amy, Erin and Brian were relatively well-behaved. I missed most of the diploma-awarding because I was desperately trying to keep Erin quiet. The poor child just could not figure out what was going on. Her voice was so loud, and her questions were endless. Finally, after a particularly rousing round of applause, she roared out in frustration, "Is it somebody's birthday??? Is that why we're here???"
Amy was fascinated by all the activity, while Brian slept through the entire event. Beth really looked beautiful, as you can see above. I particularly like the family picture, because by that time she was so desperate to get out of the church and go downstairs to the reception with her friends. Her frustration is quite apparent in the photo, I think. And Brian was obsessed with the tassel on Beth's graduation cap, as is also very clear in the picture.
And now, summer is here. Long, lazy days, where we can all sleep late and stay in our pajamas all morning.
Unless the kids wake up at 6:00am, like mine do.
But we did stay in our pajamas for full hour this morning. We didn't get dressed until 7:00am. Now that's relaxation.
Congratulations Beth!! So proud of you! (and of Amy, Erin and Brian for surviving a graduation in church on a warm day- I am quite certain I did not do so well many a time when I was younger)
Congratulations Beth!
We can't wait to see you this summer!
Congrats Beth! Can't wait to see you guys!
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