Friday, January 09, 2009

Off He Goes

Brian is finally walking.

I mean really, really walking. He is so very proud of his new skill, and he pads around the kitchen floor, hands held up for support, smiling and babbling away. The girls are still in awe, and each time he walks into the room, they shriek, "Brian's walking! Look! Brian's walking!" At times, their exuberance frightens Brian, causing him to wobble and fall, so I'm trying to gently remind them that Brian will probably be walking all the time now, and therefore there's no longer any reason to shout each time he toddles by.

But, I know exactly how they feel. Each time he walks by, I feel a surge of pride, and want to grab him into a hug and praise him for his efforts. Watching a baby move from those first wobbly, unstable steps to real, steady walking is such an amazing thing. I remember marveling as each one of the girls began to walk, and it's no less incredible to me now, with baby number four. One year ago, he was a little two-month-old bundle, and now he's on his feet, playing with his toys, and laughing with his sisters. Truly amazing.

He's talking a bit, too. Today, when I handed him his Thomas-The-Tank-Engine sippy cup filled with juice, he broke into a broad smile. "AHHH!", he screeched. "CUP"!

We all stared at him in shock.

"Did he say 'cup'"? asked Amy in amazement.

I believe he did. And his adoring fans cheered and clapped.

I think we're going to be doing a lot of cheering in the days to come. Brian's coming into his own. Congratulations, little man!


At 8:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's our little man. Do you think he'll want to watch a football game with Dan and I?

At 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go, Brian, go!

At 11:21 AM , Blogger betolisa said...

Wouldn't life be wonderful if we all had cheerleaders celebrating our every move?! I think you're all on to something!

At 3:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love those little boys!


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