Peace And Quiet
I know. I know. It's been ages since I've written on the blog. I'd like to blame Brian for this, although it's not entirely his fault...
We've certainly found this school year to be challenging. I've been working many more hours on the weekends and during the evenings, and with the constant "mad dashes" from school to gymnastics to dance class to choir practice and back to dance class, I've found it very difficult to actually sit down at the computer and type. When Erin was a baby/toddler, she was always perfectly content to sit at my feet and play with toys while I worked on the computer. But Brian is cut from a different cloth entirely. His constant ear infections combined with his "rough and tumble" personality make sitting alone near the computer a very unpopular activity for him. When I even begin to walk towards the computer, he throws himself on the floor and wails. Very loudly. He demands Mommy Time, and screeches at the top of his lungs until I finally sigh, admit defeat, and sit down on the floor to play with him.
I can't tell you how many blog entries I've started to write over the last couple of weeks, only to give up within a couple of sentences. But Brian will only be a baby for such a short time, and someday, I'll look back and wish that I could once again sit on the rug with him and listen to his gleeful laughs each time the block tower crashes over, or the truck smashes into the wall. I'm truly enjoying his "little boy" time. There will be plenty of quiet days for blog writing, but my play-days with my son are limited. I'm quite sure that the time will come when I'm no longer his first choice for a play-time friend.
But right now, all four kids are out at a birthday party with Dan. I've been sleeping the morning away after working an overnight shift last night, and now I'm taking advantage of this peace and quiet, and attempting to actually write something here in cyberspace.
I think I hear the car pulling into the garage now, though. Yep. There's Brian's little baby voice yelling "MAMA!"
Duty calls...!
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