Sunday, October 22, 2006

Role Reversal

I apologize for the lack of postings this weekend, but I was just quite tired from a stressful weekend working at the nursing home. Since I now have a "site-meter" installed on this blog, I realize that hundreds of people are reading these entries each week. I do not think that I actually am acquainted with that many people, so a big "welcome!" to all of the strangers out there. I'll try not to skip an entire weekend again anytime soon!

When I arrive home from a long and often exhausting day at work, it's sometimes hard to find the energy to devote my full attention to the girls. They're bubbling over with excitement when I walk in the door, and they can't wait to tell me everything that happened while I was gone. (Especially if one of them got into trouble. Today I heard all about Amy spilling milk on the carpet. I heard the story in detail. Lots of detail). Even though I want to take a shower and just relax with a good book, I have to somehow manage to push my exhaustion aside and listen to their stories. I sit on the floor and play. I cuddle the baby. I read a book to Amy.

This is what Dan must feel every single day of the week. But each day, he comes home with a big smile, and listens to each girl's stories. While I clean up the kitchen after dinner, he gives the girls a bath and reads bedtime stories. He never complains about feeling tired, even though I'm sure there are times he would rather be sitting in front of the TV instead of chasing three wet and slippery girls around in an attempt to get each one dry and dressed in pajamas.

Sometimes it's eye-opening to walk in someone else's shoes. On weekends when I come home from work I have a better appreciation of what Dan does each and every day. And I think he realizes that staying at home with the girls can sometimes be overwhelming too. I'm glad that the girls get to spend time with their Dad on the weekends, because they love being with him. Their outfits may not quite match, but they are very, very happy. But I'm looking forward to "my time" with them now that the weekend is over. Bring back the matching outfits! Mommy is home from work!


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