Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Friends forever

Amy and Beth are on this wonderful, new kick. They "no longer fight". No, they are best friends, and they remind me constantly that they are never going to fight again.

I'm not sure what triggered this little phase. This past weekend they had a great time playing a game of "house" together, and suddenly they were holding hands and saying "I love you" to each other. Quite strange, especially when only an hour before, I had to physically separate them from each other in the midst of an all-out battle over a toy, and send them into separate rooms for a cooling off period. But Sunday night they went to bed chatting about "all the things they were going to do together the next day". As we turned out the light, they informed us that we would never see them fight again.

The next morning they woke up and started battling right away. From their room I heard the morning sounds of "That's MY book." and "I never said you could use the Strawberry Shortcake doll! Give it back!"

I entered their room mid-fight and reminded them of their nighttime promises.

"Oh, that's right", said Beth, instantly changing moods like Jekyll-and-Hyde. "I forgot about that. Here, Amy, you can have the doll."

"And you can have the book, Beth", returned Amy.

They trotted downstairs hand-in-hand, and rushed through breakfast. They couldn't wait to begin drawing pictures for each other. Beth drew houses and people, with the sun shining brightly, and the words "To Amy. I love you. Love, Beth".

It's been three days now, and whenever they begin to fight or argue (which is very, very frequently), I simply have to say "I thought you were going to be friends, and not fight anymore". Then, they look at each other and immediately switch from enemy-mode to friends-forever. When we picked up Beth at school today, she came running outside with an arts-and-crafts project that she had made, and gave it to Amy.

"I made this for you!" she informed Amy.

As I said, this is very strange. Very, very strange. It's completely uncharted territory for Dan and me. Have aliens abducted our children, and left these strangers in their places? Could this possibly be semi-permanent, or will it soon return to fighting-as-normal? Should we take them to the pediatrician's to be checked for some rare disease? Or should we simply relax and enjoy it?!

Any thoughts from the more experienced Moms and Dads out there?!


At 10:06 AM , Blogger Bears and Squirrels said...

I think this is such a riot! If only my siblings had held to that policy growing up. Foster it - you may as well try! I can't wait to be able to really understand Liam- words like "Legigily gigigly" are so difficult to interpret!


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