Tonight, Amy had another toddler tantrum. She was sent to her room, where she sobbed and sobbed, until finally I relented and went in talk to her. After a bit, her anger subsided, and we cuddled together in her room. She knew I had been quite angry with her, so she asked me, "Mama, do you love me?"
That happens to be the title of one of her favorite books, by Barbara Joosse. In this story, a small Inuit girl, living in Alaska, asks this same question of her Mama. And, the mother replies, "Yes, I do, Dear One".
So, when I responded in a similar way, Amy smiled. "But Mama", she said slowly, "It's different from that book. That Mama only had one little girl to love, so she was able to love her so very much. She loved her more than the dog loves his tail, and stuff like that. But you have three little girls, so it's not the same. You can only love us each a little bit".
Oh, Amy. How can I possibly reply to that comment? How can I make you understand how much your Daddy and I love each one of you? We love each of you "more than the raven loves his treasure". We love you, Amy, for your little giggles, your constant need for cuddles, and your baby voice. We love you, Beth, for your boundless energy, your love of life, and your talent at story-telling and conversation. And Erin, we love you for your chubby toddler cheeks, your baby-soft hair, your new-word-every-day, and your broken-tooth smile.
So you see, Amy, I do love you all just as much as the Mama in your storybook.
Yes, Amy, I love you. Because you are my "Dear One".