Friday, April 27, 2007

Pigeons in the rafters

We have some uninvited guests in our garage.

A few days ago, a family of birds decided to move into the rafters of the garage. At first, we felt badly for them, assuming that they were somehow stuck up there, and couldn't figure out how to fly out. We left the garage door open all day in the hopes that they would find their way out into the open again, but instead, a few more feathered friends moved in. And now, they sit up in the highest point of the rafters, peeping and cooing at us. I can see the beginnings of a nest up there. It may sound funny, but I assure you, it is not quite as humorous as it may seem.

When we come out of the kitchen door to head for the car, the birds begin swooping and shrieking. Most likely they are somewhat frightened by the loud noises that three little girls make, but it has become mayhem each time we need to leave the house. Amy, in particular, is absolutely petrified of them. I actually have to drag her by the hand, as she screams and cries "it's coming after me! Here is comes! It's going to eat me up!!!" And, in her defense, they do come very, very close. When she gets into the van, Amy immediately pushes the button to close the door, and then sits in her carseat, frozen and hyperventilating, until I climb in and reassure her that she's okay. Erin is not fond of the situation either, but Beth thinks it's a riot. When I complained about the bird droppings on our car, she had a wonderful idea. "Mommy, let's just go out and find a bird potty! I think I saw those at the store onetime. Then they could just live there forever!"

I don't blame Amy and Erin for feeling nervous. I have to admit to feeling a bit anxious myself. Each time I open the door to the garage, I am expecting a bird to fly into the kitchen. If that happens, I assure you, I will post the whole story right here for your enjoyment. And I also must admit that I have started putting my hood over my head each time I run to the car. Something about seeing a frightened bird sitting directly over the car door makes me a bit wary.

Dan says he'll take care of it this weekend. I have no idea how he will do this, but I have the utmost confidence in his skills for this task. But if anyone has any suggestions, we're very, very open to hearing them. We just won't let Beth know about our plans.


At 12:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to build a more comfortable house for them in the yard: one with a fridge, TV, bird potty, etc.. They'll move out.

At 6:07 PM , Blogger Bears and Squirrels said...

Didn't Alfred Hitchcock make a movie like this?


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