Saturday, September 08, 2007

Amy's Turn!

Here she is!!! She's smiling and ready to go, but Dan said that she kept up a frequent refrain of "I'm nervous, Daddy", and "Please, pick me up and hold me, Daddy!" Nevertheless, she made it through her orientation day without any tears. She clung tightly to Daddy's hand while she sat in "circle time" with her new teacher and classmates, colored a picture, and did a scavenger hunt to help her get acquainted with the preschool teachers and the schoolhouse. It was a successful first outing, but I am not at all sure that she will happily let me leave her there alone on Tuesday. We shall see.

As for Beth, she woke up in tears this morning because it's Saturday and she can't go to school. "But the toys there are so much better than the toys here"!, she wailed. She won the "super bee" on Friday...a stuffed animal which comes home with a well-behaved student each day. Because it's the weekend, she gets THREE NIGHTS with this reward. She slept with it cuddled next to her last night, while I tried to push aside thoughts about how many hundreds of children's beds this plush toy has probably been sleeping in over the last few years.

We're all starting to feel a bit more settled into our new routines, and yesterday we found out that the c-section will be done on Wednesday, November 14th (unless baby makes plans to arrive earlier!) Two more months until Erin becomes a big sister!!!


At 4:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lot's happn'n in your home! I can't wait to be an uncle again!

At 10:46 AM , Blogger Bears and Squirrels said...

Congrats to Amy on her first day and Beth on her big award!
November 14th - that is the day after by brothers birthdays(Sean and Austin). It is nice to have a date to look forward too!
Big Hugs!

At 9:55 PM , Blogger betolisa said...

LOL about the germs! I was thinking just that as I read your post!


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