Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Amoxicillin...Take Two!

Last night Brian finally slept through the night. Really, truly slept through the night. A full eight hours...a very, very rare event around here.

Unfortunately, we didn't awaken feeling quite as refreshed as you might think, because Amy spent most of the night trotting in and out of our room, tears flowing, as she complained of ear pain that just wouldn't respond to Tylenol. Her fever was unrelenting, and sleep was eluding her. (Luckily for me, she seems to think that Daddy gives the best back scratches at 2am, so she demanded his presence at her bedside throughout the night). Each time we would begin to drift back to sleep, her blond curls would reappear, and her sobs would awaken us again.

And so, this morning I piled the kids into the car, and we returned to the pediatrician's office. He confirmed our suspicions of a double ear infection, so now Amy's bottle of Amoxicillin sits in the refrigerator next to Brian's medicine. This afternoon, Brian and Erin took long naps, while I sat on the couch and cuddled Amy. Her cheeks were bright red with fever, but she wore her princess tiara and Cinderella dress, while we watched a princess movie that she has viewed countless times already.

Our household felt peaceful at last.

Peaceful, that is, until I went to awaken Erin from her nap. She sat up in bed, cheeks bright pink, and let out a loud wail.

"My ear hurts!" she cried. "My ear hurts!!"

Here we go again.


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