Monday, September 10, 2007

Getting ready for Baby!

What a busy weekend! After spending an enjoyable Saturday morning at our church fair, we finally re-did Beth and Amy's bedroom! Dan has been working on their new beds for weeks now. The beds are actually my brothers' former bunk beds, and Dan sanded them down and painted them white, to match Beth and Amy's bureaus. They came out beautiful, and Saturday was finally moving day.

There are no words to describe the massive amount of "junk" that had accumulated under Beth's old bed throughout the past few years, and for her it was an amazing trip down memory lane. Once her old bed was dismantled, there was a constant chorus of "Look! The birthday card Maeve gave me when I turned 4!" and "Hey! This is the McDonald's toy I got one time when I was only 3!" I spent the afternoon rushing around with a trash bag, trying to confiscate as many of the treasures as I possibly could. Beth frequently let out loud shrieks, saying "Hey! What's THIS doing in the trash?!!" It was a constant battle between the mean Mommy trying to destroy memories, and the "pack-rat" 5-year-old.

We rearranged furniture, and put up the new beds, complete with the new comforters that the girls chose last week. Above you can see the bedroom in all its glory.

After this massive job was completed, we then moved Erin into Amy's old bed, which left an adorable crib for the new baby! So now Erin is sleeping in her new bed, decorated with Elmo sheets, blanket and pillow. The "Pooh bear" ensemble graces the second crib in her room, which awaits her new roommate.

And now, the most daunting task of all awaits us. Dragging all the bins of baby clothes out of the attic, washing them, and sorting them into boy-girl piles. Exhausting, but exciting at the same time. It's starting to feel more real! Nine more weeks until our newest family member arrives!


At 9:53 PM , Blogger betolisa said...

Beautiful home makeover! May I suggest some bins or some kind of barrier to go under the bed to avoid old memories getting lost under there....


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