Monday, January 21, 2008

Slow Improvement

Brian seems to have turned the corner.

I always knew that RSV was a scary infection. My niece and Godchild, Bridget, was in the hospital last month when she was struggling with RSV. But until we actually experienced it, I never would have understood just how awful this virus really is. All of Friday night, Brian was literally gasping for each breath. We made frantic calls to the pediatrician, who was very reassuring and calm. He reminded us that because it's a virus, there really isn't any effective treatment, short of administering oxygen or using a mist tent. Because Brian wasn't actually turning blue, he didn't need oxygen, and steam from our shower would be the exact same as using a mist tent. So, he urged us to keep him at home as long as possible, to prevent exposing him to any further germs from a hospital.

So, Dan and I spent that long, long night just trying to ease Brian's discomfort. We turned the shower on every hour or so, suctioned his nose and mouth, sang to him, and tried to reassure each other that everything would be okay. By Saturday morning we were exhausted, and by Saturday evening I was getting frantic. Brian wasn't gasping quite as much, but he wouldn't eat, and didn't seem to be aware of us or of his surroundings. But sometime Saturday night, he seemed to slowly improve. He was able to drink a bit, and seemed to be breathing just a tiny bit easier. Now, he has a horrible, hacking cough and a low-grade fever, but hopefully the worst is over. He is a ghastly, grayish-white color, and the cough is relentless...once he starts coughing, it continues for minutes at a time, with no break. He still can only sleep when he's held up over our shoulders, so we take turns sleeping. But, he definitely seems to be on the mend.

Thanks so much for all of your concern and prayers. I know many babies have this virus each year, but this was our first experience with it (and hopefully our last!!) We hope you are all staying healthy!!!


At 11:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear about the improvement. I'll keep praying.
Uncle John

At 10:06 PM , Blogger betolisa said...

Oh Ellen, my prayers go out to you all! Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I'm glad to hear things are (slowly) getting better. You're fortunate that he was born full-term and healthy, so he has that going for him!


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