Friday, November 24, 2006

Picture Perfect, Take Two

You loyal readers out there may recall my post back in late October, describing our family photo shoot, in a flooding basement in the midst of a nor'easter. Well, today we returned to the photo studio to examine the proofs, and to chose Christmas cards and Christmas gifts, family photos for the living room and wallet-sized pictures to show off to friends.

So once again I bundled the girls into the van. Ironically enough, today was a beautiful, crisp, sunny day...exactly the weather I had hoped for last month! Once again we had to navigate through the antique shop filled with expensive and fragile merchandise, and down the winding stairway to the photographer's shop. But this time I was on my own. Dan was at work, so I was attempting to manage this tricky morning task by myself.

Amy, in particular, was very, very cranky. Tired from the Thanksgiving festivities and coming down with a cold, she had been crying most of the morning. I sat her down at the little kids' table, along with Beth, and gave them some coloring books and crayons. I held Erin in my arms while I sat down on a high stool to look at the proofs. Almost immediately, Amy began to whine.

"Mommy, I want to go home", she said.

"Yes, Amy. Give me a few minutes to just look at these pictures", I responded.

Her cries got louder. "I want to go home NOW", she yelled.

I quickly flipped through a couple more pictures, trying to block out the escalating tantrum. I was halfway through the stack of photos when she lay down on the floor and began kicking and screaming. "I want to hold you! I want to hold you right now!!"

I put Erin on the hard concrete floor and instructed Beth to play with her. I picked up Amy and again tried to concentrate on the pictures. Amy lunged at the photos in an attempt to see them, and managed to knock the pile all over the floor. As the photographer helped me to gather them up, Amy started yelling, "I need to go potty! I need to go potty right NOW!"

The photographer told me about a bathroom located three floors up, so I dragged Amy and Erin up the stairs. Only when we arrived at the top did Amy inform me that, "Maybe I don't really have to go, after all". Back down we went, and I again sat at the table to look at the photos.

Two pictures later, Erin fell and smacked her head on the concrete floor. A large red lump began forming on her forehead, and she sobbed and sobbed. While I cuddled her in my arms, Amy clung to my legs, screaming "Now I REALLY need to go potty! I have to go NOW!!".

I grabbed some of the cuter pictures from the top of the pile. I ordered some cards, some 5x7's and some wallet pictures. I handed her my credit card and dragged the kids out to the car.

I still am not completely sure what I ordered, so I think I will be as surprised as the rest of you when I open the Christmas card this year. Ho, ho, ho! Wishing you all a wonderful, peaceful holiday season.


At 7:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I've always said about parenting, the years flew by, but some of the days were long. I think yesterday was one of those long days for you. I can't wait to see the pictures - they'll be beautiful, because they couldn't be anything but.

At 4:08 PM , Blogger Bears and Squirrels said...

I saw your blog today and was glad to see that ours was not the only difficult Christmas photo!

I started a blog too! is such a great idea!


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