Monday, May 21, 2007

Get ready for kindergarten!

Today was a big day for Beth. She spent some time "visiting" the kindergarten classroom that she will attend next year, sitting in class with the current kindergarten students. She was quite nervous on the way there, although not nearly as apprehensive as Mommy was. The school is quite small for an elementary school, but compared to her tiny preschool it seemed enormous. Our nerves were diminished immediately, however, when the kindergarten teacher greeted her with a warm smile, took her by the hand, and led her into the classroom. Amy, Erin and I then went for a munchkin treat at Dunkin' Donuts before returning to pick up Beth.

She came bounding out of the classroom with a huge smile on her face. She clutched a picture of Noah's ark, and proudly pointed out the sticker that she earned on her paper. She chattered on and on about the story the teacher read to the class, and the nice girl named Lily that shared her crayons with Beth. As we walked up the street to the car she told me that the teacher was "one of the nicest teachers in the world", and that the school "was the most exciting place she's ever been". She is quite upset about having to wait an entire summer before starting there "for real". And, thankfully, she adores the uniform and can't wait to have her own beautiful plaid dress to wear.

I'd call this a successful introduction to kindergarten. She's excited and eager for the year to start. I'm so happy for her, but I'm going to savor this summer like no other. The thought of having her in a full-day kindergarten is taking some getting used-to for me! I will miss her constant story-telling, her laughter and exuberance. So this summer, I'm going to enjoy each full day with my little girl...she's growing up much, much too quickly.


At 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear you! I am going to cherish E's Tues & Thurs off next year as it will be his last year w/days "off"!

At 1:58 PM , Blogger Susan said...

It seems like we were just there sitting at the round tables in Ms. Colamaria's class in 1976.

At 7:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why, but you're story brought tears to my eyes. May the world always greet Beth with love and happiness.


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