Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Growing Baby

Today I had a routine doctor's appointment, to make sure all is going well with the pregnancy. My visits are becoming more frequent now during these last weeks, so I see the doctor every-other-week. As any pregnant woman knows, part of these routine check-ups is the measuring-of-the-abdomen, to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing properly. Up until now, I have always measured at or slightly below normal. Today that all changed.

I'm seeing a new obstetrician, because my former doctor moved to a new practice. So I watched with some amusement as the doctor measured my stomach, frowned, re-measured, frowned, and re-measured again. She was trying to remain chatty and calm, but I could see the concern in her face. Finally I decided to put her out of her misery.

"Am I measuring too big?" I asked her.

She looked up at me in surprise, and confirmed my suspicions. In fact, I was apparently measuring quite big for my dates, which was causing her to become worried. But I've been through this exact same scenario three times before, and it always starts at this exact point in the pregnancy.

I explained to her that my babies are big. Very, very big. As in... more-than-ten-pound baby girls. Once she knew more about this history she seemed a bit relieved.

"I think you're probably going to have another very large baby", she warned me.

That's okay. We're used to it. We'll get the 3-6 month clothes ready for those first few weeks, and we'll avoid buying any newborn-sized diapers. It's going to be an uncomfortable 7 weeks, while this baby continues to grow and grow, but the end is in sight! Any bets yet on whether it's a boy or a girl?!!


At 1:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll go with whatever the girls have chosen (boy/girl?).

At 11:43 AM , Blogger Bears and Squirrels said...

I think it is boy, but I am only right about a fourth of the time!


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