Singin' In The Rain
Since her toddler days, Beth has been fascinated by the youth choir at our church. She has been eagerly awaiting her turn to wear a green robe and sit up in the front of the church, singing alongside the piano. The choir has always been for children in grades 2-8, but this year, they decided to allow first graders the opportunity to join.
Beth couldn't believe it. The waiting was over! She skipped happily into her first practice a couple of weeks ago, not even caring that she was the smallest one there. There are a scattering of second and third graders in this year's choir, but the majority of children are in 6th and 7th grades. Beth doesn't mind. As long as there is a robe small enough to fit her, she doesn't care how big the other kids are.
This past Sunday was her singing debut, so we braved the down-pouring rain to attend the 9:30am Mass. Beth didn't seem a bit nervous, and she happily donned her green robe. She was so proud to sit up in front of the church, and Amy and Erin enjoyed watching her, waving gleefully at their sister throughout the Mass. Thankfully, Beth was too focused to notice them, and therefore she wasn't tempted to wave back.
We were quite proud of her. The other children towered above her, but she looked mighty cute in her choir robes. If you ever feel the need to hear a rousing rendition of "Alleluia" or the Gloria, feel free to call. I'm sure Beth would be happy to let you sit in on one of her ongoing practice sessions here at the house.