Sunday, November 26, 2006


Erin does not like the bathtub. I tend to work most evenings, so out of necessity, Dan bathes the three girls together in the tub. Erin spends most of her bath time in tears, while Beth and Amy splash and swim, play with toys, and color on the walls with the tub crayons (which, by the way, are not quite as easy to clean off the walls as the manufacturers may lead you to believe). We've never been quite sure if Erin just doesn't enjoy the water, or whether she's simply terrified of the older two girls splashing water in her face and swimming on top of her.

Tonight Erin enjoyed a particularly messy pasta dinner. Since she ended up with most of the spaghetti clinging to her hair, face and hands, I decided to put her in the tub by herself while Dan finished cleaning up the kitchen. I filled the bath with warm, soapy water and gently eased her in. I handed her a few toys, and watched her face break into a big smile. She splashed. She clapped her hands. She filled some toys with water and crowed with laughter as they squirted all over the walls. She filled cups with warm water and poured it all over her little tummy. When I drained the tub and reached for her towel, she started to cry in protest. She was actually enjoying herself, and didn't want the fun to end.

I wrapped her in a fuzzy towel and gently carried her to her room. We sat in the rocking chair for a few minutes, and she put two fingers in her mouth and relaxed in my arms. Her wet hair spiked up all over her head, and drops of water clung to her eyelashes like icicles to a tree branch. We rocked together for a few minutes, and listened to the sounds of the dishes clanking in the kitchen, and her sisters playing together downstairs.

Maybe she feels crowded in that tub with her two big sisters. Maybe she was just happy to have some time alone tonight with her Mommy. For whatever reason, she definitely enjoyed her bath this evening. Soon enough, she'll be one of the "big kids" too, and she won't want to be left out of the fun. So tonight, I'm glad I got to spend this precious time with my littlest daughter. I love you, Erin.


At 7:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe three girls in a tub is too much for Erin, but one girl in her Mommy's arms is just right.

At 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this. That is the sweetest story. I think i got a little teary. Sometimes you just don't know what they're thinking, when they can't communicate so well,and that you figured it out is so cool!


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